Care4me Home Care offers unique social care services that provide care for everyone including BME communities. We aim to provide a high quality care in a homely and friendly family atmosphere. Being person-centred is our way of supporting and working with people, putting them at the centre of the care they receive. We believe that by employing competent and well educated staff and providing them with organised and responsive management, we are the social care agency of choice in North Yorkshire.

Where did we begin?

Our co-founder Lisa was prompted to set up the business after becoming a carer for one of her close family members for a period of around 7 years. Having worked alongside a number of domiciliary care and social care companies, her aim was to provide a service that not only offered high-quality, individualised and flexible care to the service user but that also worked closely and effectively with the person’s family and other informal carers.

As an experienced home care provider established since 2020, we have stringent procedures in place for ensuring care is managed safely for all the people who use our services. 

Care4me Home Care York